Monday, October 14, 2013

My Inquiry Process

My inquiry process

I struggle with this portion of my career. I hate when I can't figure things out right away and when I perceive that I am less that perfect. I suppose in some ways that is why I relate to the kids I'm trying to work with. I also worry about feeling like I am winging stuff. I know I have read a lot about the stuff I am trying to do, but I feel like I have half-assed some stuff that hasn't worked out well and now I'm gun shy. I end up feeling that I am not doing it with quality and then thinking that means I should rely on canned curricula to fix it. One issue is that I don't think I've been as detail oriented. I don't always follow-through. And additionally, it has been several years since I have been able to really work with a group of kids on something without having to run it through committee and not have the time to get it done. That is what I have to figure out this year. Is it okay for Jhett and Brice and Kaiti to be my guinea pigs? How do I really start small and not offer the same thing to everyone? That is what I have to get comfortable with.

As for my inquiry, the first turn we are talking is teaching the students that they really do have to be online and working on the material. That wasn't something I anticipated. But then again, I don't know that I really hit the vein of them working on something they are interested in. Somehow there has to be a sweet spot. Right now I detect they like coming with me because it's "fun" and somewhat challenging, but nothing really to be responsible for. When it requires work, many of them peter out. Teaching that kind of perseverance is also a goal. But I do think I need to reform my inquiry around what they would be more interested in and use the time in my conferences to help with that. That is where my mind is now. I think my actual data gathering will need to wait until the second social studies unit.

My questions for tomorrow: what part of the events leading to the American Revolution interest you the most? What do you want to know more about? How can you incorporate that into your project?

What do you want to create? How do you want to show me that you know this stuff? How can I help you showcase your knowledge?

The same in math - how can you show me you understand base 4? And how it relates to base 10?

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