Monday, June 24, 2013

Reflections on Chapters 4-6 of Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders

  • ·      I need to create a space where I can challenge my colleagues’ perceptions.  Likewise, I need to challenge my own perceptions. (loc. 773)

o   The big question for me here is how to create situations where I can help enable this.  This goes back to the environment I help create within the team structure – whether or not people can feel comfortable enough to challenge.
  • ·      I have to recognize and be sensitive to where others on my team are in their own journey – both as teachers and in their lives.  Not everyone is where I am or interested in what I’m interested in.

o   I also need to be aware of where they are in ADC chart.

§  Marilyn H. Katzenmeyer;Gayle V. Moller. Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders (Kindle Location 834). Kindle Edition.

  • ·      I can’t do it alone and it can’t just be my way.  I have to work together with the entire team, that is how real differences are made for student learning (loc. 1017).
  • ·      I have to help create a culture of collegiality.  “[Barth] suggested that creating a culture of collegiality is needed. A culture of collegiality, he explained, includes talking with one another about practice, sharing craft knowledge, observing one another, and rooting for one another's success.”Marilyn H. Katzenmeyer; Gayle V. Moller. Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders (Kindle Locations 1027-1028). Kindle Edition.
  • ·      I know that what I am helping create will at times cause friction.  I also know that I need to have my own group of colleagues working together for the same changes (the other LCLs) to help and support each other.
  • ·      I have to continue to improve my craft.  My expertise is a big reason why others are willing to listen to me.  I can’t let that erode. (loc. 1157)

o   “When they talk with colleagues, they influence them, and this outcome is powerful, because teachers are working from personal experience and are advocating new methods based on what appears to work with their students.”
Marilyn H. Katzenmeyer;Gayle V. Moller. Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders (Kindle Locations 1170-1171). Kindle Edition.
  • ·      I need to work on my listening skills.

Marilyn H. Katzenmeyer;Gayle V. Moller. Awakening the Sleeping Giant: Helping Teachers Develop as Leaders (Kindle Location 1217). Kindle Edition.

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