Sunday, May 23, 2010


So am I taking a course on Creativity and I am tasked with undertaking a creative project. Along with this I have to journal about the process. So here I go...I'm having a hard time choosing what to do at this point. We are given pretty wide-open parameters. In one sense, I think they are too wide. This is something that I think we have to think about when constructing assignments for students as well. In some ways it seems like a cop out to have something completely wide open. What it is really saying is that I, as the teacher, don't want to take the time to really figure out what I'm looking for so I'm going to give you no direction. This seems unfair. On the other hand, it makes sense that you don't want to give too much direction because so many people follow the examples you give if you give any.

At any rate, for my project I have a lot and not much all at the same time. The one topic that I keep coming back around to is trying to find a new movie editing software to try out. Not for actual movies, but to make movies/slideshows out of pictures, videos, and other forms of media from trips and travel. I could also use it at school.

I am also interested in photography, but I don't think I can get that done in time for this class. But that roles right into my thoughts about the movie maker stuff, because the better pictures I have, the better my movies will be. So it sounds like this is where I'm leaning, but I'm not totally sure yet.

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